As you begin your retreat, pause for a few moments and allow yourself to grow still. Take several slow, deep breaths. Become aware of God's unconditional love for you.
Mark 10:21
Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said to him, "You are lacking in one thing. Go, sell what you have, and give to [the] poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me."
Initially in this story, the rich young man affirms his devotion to following the Ten Commandments. Jesus shows his love for the rich young man by challenging him to not just follow the Commandments but to become a disciple, allowing his love of God to be more important than anything in the world. We, too, are meant to keep the Ten Commandments. We are also called to conversion, turning our whole lives over to God by following the teachings of Jesus Christ and by serving others.
What do I find hard to let go of in my journey to follow Jesus?
What more can I do to show my love for God?
(Speak to the Lord using these words or your own.)
Lord Jesus, you know me, and you love me. Help me to give my whole self to you.