Pause for a few moments and set aside distractions as you begin your retreat. Take three deep breaths and be aware of God's loving presence as you continue your journey into the mystery of faith.
James 2:26
For just as a body without a spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.
The journey of faith is not just a "me and God" experience. The Holy Spirit works through the Church to lead us to build a world of peace and justice. God made us for lives in community. The contemporary value of individualism, in which one is concerned only with his or her personal experience, can lead to a dead end. Seeking justice is a way of living that makes us vulnerable, because it means that we trust God and not simply our own desires. What we do, or refrain from doing, reveals who we are as followers of God.
How can I work for justice today?
Do my actions reveal me as a follower of God?
(Pray to the Lord, using this prayer or a similar one of your own.)
Lord Jesus Christ, in this place and at this time, I am your hands, feet, ears, eyes, and heart. Lead me to work for justice where I live and in the world around me.