Before you begin your retreat, pause for a few moments of reflection. Take a few deep breaths and be aware of the loving presence of God, who is with you.
John 13:34
I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.
Jesus lived according to the teaching found in the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. Jesus calls us to reflect on God's love by revealing a deeper meaning to the law of God found in the Old Testament. His life is an example of how to love others. By observing and listening to Jesus, we see the new commandment in action. Loving others is not always easy, but remembering how much we are loved by God gives us the strength to share that love with others.
What are some ways that God reveals his love for you?
How do I translate God's love for me into love for others?
(Use this prayer or one of your own.)
Loving God, guide me to be a person of faith, hope, and love. Inspire in me the certain knowledge of your loving presence.