As you prepare for this retreat, pause for a moment. Take several deep breaths and allow yourself to grow still. Be aware of God's loving presence within you.
Luke 24:30-31
And it happened that, while he was with them at table, he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them. With that their eyes were opened and they recognized him, but he vanished from their sight.
It was the simplest of gestures, and yet how profound. The disciples had walked seven miles with Jesus that day from Jerusalem to Emmaus. Their hearts were burning within them, but that still was not enough to recognize their companion on that journey. The memory of Jesus' action just days before lived so deeply in the hearts of these two men that this simple action was all it took to open their eyes. Each time we celebrate Eucharist we experience this same simple gesture of bread blessed, broken, and shared. We, too, carry the memory within us. Let your eyes be opened.
In what simple actions have I recognized Jesus recently?
In what area of my life do I need to have my eyes opened so as to better recognize the presence of the Risen Lord?
(Speak to Jesus in these or similar words.)
Risen Jesus, your deep love for us lives on in the Eucharist we share. Thank you for the gift of yourself. Open my eyes to see you in all things.