Before you begin your retreat, pause for a few moments to set aside all distractions. Take three slow, deep breaths. Remember that you are in the loving presence of God.
Luke 1:38
"May it be done to me according to your word."
People are often reluctant to deny others. We want to say yes to the requests of others because if we don't, they may not like us. We fear that others may think we are not the good people or the good Catholics that we are supposed to be. Perhaps we want to control the outcome when we say yes. But consider this-Mary's yes to God was one of complete surrender. There is no hint of wanting or expecting control. It is that yes that God wants from us. It is that yes which we should strive for in our relationship with God.
What is it that keeps me from handing my life over to God as Mary did?
What grace do I need to surrender these obstacles to God and say "Yes" as Mary did?
(Pray using your own words or the following prayer.)
Mary, you uttered the perfect yes. Intercede for me with your Son, that I might stand and say a whole and real yes.