Take a few quiet moments to come to stillness within. Focus on your breathing and allow God's creative spirit to fill you.
Exodus 20:12-14
"Honor your father and mother, that you may have a long life in the land which the Lord, your God, is giving you. You shall not kill. You shall not commit adultery."
Each of us is made in the image and likeness of God, which gives each of us dignity and value. These commandments focus on the value and dignity of a person, a value and dignity that is given by God at the moment of creation. Anything we do that demeans or damages the value of a person is a sin. This includes harmful actions between child and parent or husband and wife. The gift of these commandments can be found in the call to honor each person as God does.
Whom have I hurt with a lie, gossip, prejudice, or an uncaring action?
How can I be more loving toward others?
(Speak to God, using these words or words of your own.)
Creator God, help me to see others with your eyes, that I may more profoundly reflect your love for them in my words and actions.