As you begin your retreat, free your mind of all distractions. Breathe deeply several times. Open your mind and heart to God.
Ruth 1:16
But Ruth said, "Do not ask me to abandon or forsake you! For wherever you go I will go, wherever you lodge I will lodge, your people shall be my people, and your God my God."
These words are spoken by Ruth to Naomi, her mother-in-law. The simple words of this scripture passage are an example of true fidelity and love. God loves us with a love beyond measure. What he wants from us is love and fidelity in return.
Am I faithful to my baptismal promises?
Is my fidelity to God evidenced in what I do, in what I say, in what I think?
(Pray, using these words or those of your own.)
Faithful God, create in me an awareness of your loving presence.