Take a few deep breaths. In stillness, invite the light that is Christ to fill you.
John 12:46
I came into the world as light, so that everyone who believes in me might not remain in darkness.
This passage in the Gospel of John comes just before Jesus washes the feet of his disciples. The time of Jesus' suffering is right around the corner. When he poignantly states, "I came into the world as light," it is so that we who believe no longer have to walk in darkness. This Gospel, whose opening chapter proclaims, "...the light shines in the darkness," is coming full circle. The human condition often leaves us blindly plodding through dark places. Jesus simply and beautifully assures us that because of him and his life, in faith we are freed from darkness. This freedom allows us to journey confidently, awash in the light that is Christ.
What are the dark places in my life that are in need of Christ's light?
What in those dark places blinds me to the light that is Christ?
(Using these words or words of your own, pray to Jesus.)
Jesus, Light of the World, continue to shine brightly in me. Help me to see the light that is your presence, even in the darkest moments of my life.