As you begin your retreat, pause for a few moments to quiet yourself. Take a couple of slow, deep breaths and call to mind that you are in the loving presence of God.
Psalm 23:1
The LORD is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack.
Shepherding was hard work. The psalmist describes the "dark valley" and the watchful eyes of "enemies" that appear. Through it all, the shepherd provides for every need. The word of God is much the same. Comfort, guidance, knowledge, and an understanding of suffering are all found in Scripture. Our communal prayer and liturgies draw from the rich biblical sources, and they can also serve as foundations for personal prayer. Our Good Shepherd has provided for us in the richness of the Word of God. Making time to read scripture helps us remember that there is nothing that we lack. God provides all that we need.
What phrases of psalms can I recall from memory?
When has a particular psalm verse stirred something deep within me?
(Speak to God in these words or those of your own choice.)
Shepherd me, O God. Lead me by your Word to know you and myself more completely. Give me courage and skill to work alongside you in helping others.