Sit quietly, calming yourself by taking three long, deep breaths. Rest in the presence of God. When you are ready, begin.
Mark 6:13
They drove out many demons, and they anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them.
Jesus directed his disciples to be healers. We too are Jesus' disciples. Healing the pain we see around us and within us is part of how we live our faith. What cries out for healing is not always physical pain. Sometimes it is emotional scarring, hurt feelings, loss, sadness, or disappointment. These too await the healing touch of Jesus that comes about through us.
Think of someone you know who needs healing. How might you help?
What in your own life is in need of healing? What steps can you take to begin the healing process?
(Pray, using these words or words of your own.)
Father of mercy, teach me to be responsive to the needs of others. Remind me that your work is accomplished through love.