Take a few moments to come to a place of quiet within yourself. Focus on your breathing. Gradually become aware of the presence of God, who gives you all you need.
Isaiah 40:11
Like a shepherd he feeds his flock; in his arms he gathers the lambs, Carrying them in his bosom, and leading the ewes with care.
Isaiah's image of a shepherd guarding lambs and leading ewes serves as a metaphor of God's care and love for us. We know that God protects his children, as a shepherd protects his lambs, but sometimes we forget that God also leads us as a shepherd leads his ewes, the adults of the flock. God leads us and cares for us, that we might not go astray. We are like the flock that knows and follows the voice of the shepherd. Occasionally we do not hear, or worse, we choose to ignore God and go astray. At these times, we remember that God draws us close and carries us in his bosom with care, forgiveness, and love.
What in me is yearning to be cared for, forgiven, or loved?
Who in my life needs my forgiveness?
(Pray in these words or your own.)
Shepherd God, you care for me with gentleness and love. Help me to listen for your voice and to turn to you in my time of need.