As you begin your preparation, pause for a few moments and allow yourself to grow still. Take several slow, deep breaths. Feel God's loving gaze upon you.
Luke 24:30-31
And it happened that, while he was with them at table, he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them. With that their eyes were opened and they recognized him, but he vanished from their sight.
In an instant, everything made sense to them. The discouragement and confusion of just a short while ago gave way to excitement and clarity. Jesus was alive! In a conversation like no other, he explained to them the meaning of the Scriptures, and they yearned for more. More was given to them as they sat together at table. In bread that was blessed, broken, and shared, they recognized Jesus. We know Jesus in the same way through our Eucharistic celebrations. We gather as one community to listen to Scripture and to receive the Body and Blood of Christ. Just as the disciples were strengthened by their encounter with Jesus, our sharing in word and sacrament strengthens us to go out and put our faith into action.
When has discouragement or confusion gotten in the way of my recognizing Jesus?
Does participating in the Eucharist make any difference in my life?
(Speak to Jesus, using this prayer or words of your own.)
Jesus, you reveal yourself to us in the breaking of bread. May my heart burn with the joy of your presence among us.