As you begin your retreat, pause for a few moments to pay attention to your breathing. Take several slow, deep breaths. Let go of any distracting thoughts. Feel God's loving gaze upon you.
Luke 5:10
Jesus said to Simon, "Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men."
Following an unsuccessful night of fishing, Peter meets Jesus and his life is changed forever. We too can find our lives transformed as we listen to and act on the words of Jesus. We, like Peter, may prefer the familiar and be fearful when life is not what we expect. Jesus assures us that when we respond to his call, we will in time bear fruit as God intends. Joining in Jesus' mission, we follow the well-traveled path of the apostles and earliest disciples.
What is it I fear as I conform my life more closely to Jesus?
What is being transformed in me as I conform my life more closely to Jesus?
(Speak to Jesus, using these words or words of your own.)
Jesus, you call us to follow you and to complete your work on earth. Help me to go beyond my comfort zone and bear fruit in your service.