Before you begin your retreat, pause for a few moments and set aside any distracting thoughts. Slowly take three deep breaths as you clear your mind. Be aware that the Holy Spirit is with you and is helping you as you proceed in this journey of spiritual growth and discovery.
1 Peter 5:6-7
So humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time. Cast all your worries upon him because he cares for you.
In the Scripture, to be humble means to recognize the true relationship between God and ourselves. We have been created by God. When we come to appreciate that God is our creator and that he cares for us, the appropriate response is one of humility. It is only through humility that we are capable of praising God. We bow humbly before God our Father, knowing that our relationship with him is one of intimacy. God cares for us and wants us to turn to him with all of our cares.
What cares can I bring to God today?
In what ways can I best appreciate God's blessings and respond with humility and praise?
(Reverently pray this prayer or one of your own.)
Almighty God and Father of us all, thank you for your wondrous creation and for the way you care for me. I humbly bow before you and present my cares to you.