Before beginning your retreat, pause briefly. Take several long, deep breaths. Open your mind and heart to God.
Luke 1:45
"Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled."
What blessed and holy models of discipleship we have in Elizabeth and Mary. One can envy the trust they had. It seemed to come with little effort. But we can read between the lines. These two women probably felt frightened, but at the same time, compelled to move beyond the fear. At some deep level they knew that God was in charge. Their very human instinct was to seek each other's company and to talk and pray and be present to each other and the new life they carried.
In what ways do I take the word of God to heart?
What promises of God are being fulfilled in your life at this time?
(Pray using your own words or the following prayer.)
Holy Word of God, open my ears, soften my heart, grant me the grace of trusting you in all things.