Before you begin your retreat, pause for a few moments and pay attention to your breathing. Slowly take three deep breaths to clear your mind. Remember that God is with you as you continue to grow in faith.
Luke 14:23
The master then ordered the servant, "Go out to the highways and hedgerows and make people come in that my home may be filled."
In the parable of the banquet, Jesus tells us that all people are invited to the Kingdom of God. The mercy and love of God are not reserved for a few, and the invitation to serve the Kingdom of God is not forced on anyone. Jesus invites us; we need only answer "yes." We share with Jesus the belief that all people are important to God, and we demonstrate this commitment through our service to others.
How can I quiet myself to listen to Jesus' invitation to follow him?
In what ways can I be of service to others today?
(Pray to Jesus, using these words or words of your own.)
Divine Master, thank you for the invitation to share in your bountiful blessings. I accept.