Before you begin, spend several moments in silence. Take a few slow, deep breaths. Allow God's presence to reveal itself in you.
Psalm 85:9
I will listen for the word of God; surely the Lord will proclaim peace To his people, to the faithful, to those who trust in him.
It often seems that many things compete to disrupt our peace. Quarrels, busyness, illnesses, and family and work demands all serve to upset our balance. On a deeper level, sin in the world and in our hearts disrupts our peace. The psalmist remembers life that once was at peace-filled, in harmony. Yearning for a return to that right relationship, he implores the Lord to restore that peace. Life is too busy, the world and our hearts are in great need of peace. We must listen for the voice of the Lord, the voice that proclaims peace in our midst.
Where in my life am I most in need of peace?
How can I make room in my life to listen for God's word in my heart?
(In these words or your own, speak to God in prayer.)
Lord of peace, my heart yearns to hear your word. Give me the grace to listen for the peace that is found in you alone and to share it with others.