As you begin your retreat, pause for a moment of silent reflection. Take a few deep breaths and be aware of the loving presence of God, who is with you as you venture forth on this journey of growth and discovery.
Matthew 28:20
And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.
Jesus instructed his disciples to make disciples of all people. He assured his apostles that he would remain with them as they continued in this mission. Open to everyone, the Church carries on the mission that Jesus gave to his apostles. The people of God join together to share in the ministry of service to others and to spread the good news of Jesus to the world. Through worship, sacrament, and service, the Church shares Jesus with the world.
How have I responded to Jesus' call to be his disciple?
How do I share in the call to make disciples of all people?
(Pray to Jesus, using this prayer or one of your own.)
Jesus, savior, friend, and constant companion, thank you for the gift of discipleship.