Seeing the Invisible

A Reflection by Barbara Wheeler

Faith. Understanding. Trust.

These can be hard words to swallow when the going gets tough and things aren’t turning out quite as YOU had planned. But they might be going as GOD has planned. I find comfort in the stories of people like Moses, Jacob, David, and Mary. They faced challenges and doubts, and from time to time made some pretty big mistakes. Yet, there was always a path back to God. Sometimes God’s plan is invisible—we have no idea what this move, new job, devastating setback, or exciting adventure has in store. And as God’s plan is revealed—with the help of personal surrender or supportive friends and confidants—we are assured that God guides us, and that God loves us.

Barbara Wheeler

Barbara Wheeler

Busted Halo is a network and ministry for young adult spiritual seekers dedicated to created an engaging community where people can discuss the intersection of faith, culture, politics and life.

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