As you begin your retreat, pause for a few moments to set aside distractions. Know that God's healing presence is with you.
Luke 9:2
And he sent them to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal [the sick].
Human life is sacred and imbued with dignity even when damaged by sin or afflicted with physical suffering. Jesus healed physical and spiritual suffering in his ministry. We find Jesus' healing presence today in our Church's practice of the Sacraments of Penance and the Anointing of the Sick. These two sacraments restore life to those who receive them. Continuing the redemptive work of Jesus, these sacraments restore our souls to grace and lead us to life in Christ.
How do the values of my faith contrast with society's view of human suffering and the value of human life?
In what ways can I be a healing and comforting presence to others?
(Pray to Jesus with this prayer or with your own words.)
Jesus, you heal me from sin. Be present to all who suffer and give them the grace of your healing presence and mercy.