Take a few moments of reflection to come to stillness. Breathe slowly and deeply, and as you do so, become aware of God who is with you always.
Matthew 6:21
For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.
Whatever we claim as treasure in our lives is where we put the bulk of our effort and energy. Over time we generally grow in understanding of what is really important to us, and we let go of some things in order to have the time and energy for things that are more important. For people of faith, treasure is found in the love God has for us, in our love for God, and in the love we have for others. The choices we make each day are based on what we treasure.
How would I describe my "treasure"?
What am I willing to let go of in order to become more focused on my treasure?
(Pray to God, using these words or your own.)
Gracious God, help me open my heart to know you more deeply and to choose wisely.