Take a few moments to relax and be still inside. Pay attention to your breathing. Be aware of the presence of God within you.
Genesis 3:15
I will put enmity between you and the woman,and between your offspring and hers;He will strike at your head,while you strike at his heel.
Whenever we give in to temptation, as Adam and Eve did, we tear at the fabric of our relationship with God and with others. Even so, God, who is so wholly committed to this relationship, promised a Savior. It is through this Savior, God's Son Jesus Christ, that we experience salvation. We receive the grace to mend relationships with God and with one another. The grace of hope allows us to place our trust in God, to accept God's love and forgiveness, and to love and forgive others.
What relationships in my life are suffering because of my sin?
For what sins do I need to seek forgiveness?
(Pray to God, using this prayer or one of your own.)
Loving God, you generously offer the gift of your love and forgiveness. Help me to recognize the ways in which I turn my back on that gift. Help me come to rest in you.