Before beginning your retreat, pause for a few moments and focus your attention on your breathing. Take several slow, deep breaths. Be aware of God's loving presence within you.
Luke 12:33
Sell your belongings and give alms. Provide money bags for yourselves that do not wear out, an inexhaustible treasure in heaven that no thief can reach nor moth destroy.
A popular saying is "Less is more." It's what we hear Jesus telling his disciples. The follower of Jesus does not depend on wealth or material possessions to give life meaning. What Jesus is saying, in essence, is "Less material possessions is more freedom." Sound strange? When we depend on God for what we truly need, we discover an inner freedom, which is God's gift. Recognizing our dependence on God frees us from working so hard to accumulate things that we can't take with us when we die. The only treasure worth working for is the Kingdom of God. Nothing else matters.
In what ways am I being drawn to depend more radically on God?
Are there any material possessions that get in the way of my following Jesus more closely?
(Pray to Jesus using this prayer or one of your own.)
Jesus, grant me the strength and courage to follow your example of dependence on God. Keep reminding me that the treasure that matters is in heaven.