To begin your retreat, let the love of Jesus flood your being by slowly saying with each inward breath, "Come, Jesus, come, Jesus, come, Jesus." and be filled with his love.
Matthew 20:30
Two blind men were sitting by the roadside, and when they heard that Jesus was passing by, they cried out, "[Lord,] Son of David, have pity on us!"
The irony of this story is that we have two people who could not physically see and yet had perfect spiritual vision. They knew with the eyes of faith that Jesus was the Messiah. They trusted in his mercy, while the crowds around them tried to quiet them. When we are true believers we also see with the clear vision of faith and trust.
What problems do I have in my life that I should turn over to the Lord, trusting him to make sure they will be okay?
Is something happening in my personal life that could benefit from a little spiritual vision?
(Speak to Jesus, using these words or words of your own.)
Jesus, help me to see more clearly what you wish me to know.