Take a moment to become aware of God's presence. Breathe in and out slowly and let go of all that blocks your ability to spend this time with him.
John 20:9
For they did not yet understand the scripture that he had to rise from the dead.
The disciples did not understand the necessity of Christ's Resurrection. Do we? Would we, could we, live more fully in the Kingdom of God if we understood the necessity of embracing the cross in order to enter the new life of Resurrection? It is a question for each day of our lives. Understanding will only come through our ceaselessly seeking who and what we are to be in the risen Lord.
Do you resist embracing what needs to die in your life in order to reach the Resurrection?
What do you believe about the Resurrection?
(Pray to Jesus, using these words or words of your own.)
Risen Lord, your Resurrection brings joy to all of creation. Grant me the grace to live my life as a faithful follower.