Take several deep, relaxing breaths, and allow the Spirit of God to fill your being. Feel this presence deeply as you prepare for these few minutes with the Lord.
Luke 4:4
"One does not live on bread alone."
We have so many hungers. Sadly, some hungers go unsatisfied because we don't, won't, or can't name them. We may fail to see that some hungers cannot be sated with food. We can deny the authentic spiritual hunger that we are experiencing. On our journey through life with God, we strive to name our hungers and to feed them abundantly with the Word of the Lord.
List your gnawing hungers. How can they best be satisfied?
Bread fills your stomach. What fills your soul?
(Pray using this prayer or one of your own.)
Bread of Life, fill me with your life. Fill my spirit with strength. Fill my heart with your nourishing words.