
“The Adaptive Reconciliation Kit takes seriously the Bishops’ mandate for ‘full, conscious and active participation’ in the sacramental life of the Church. It takes one giant step forward as it seeks to enable and empower individuals of all abilities to know and love our God of forgiveness.”

—Dione L. Grillo, Consultant Advanced Catechetical Ministries and Basic Catechist Formation, Consultant for Elementary Catechesis, Office of Religious Education, Archdiocese of Los Angeles

“The National Catholic Partnership on Disability and its Autism Task Force are glad to see Loyola Press develop this Reconciliation Preparation Kit for those with autism and other disabilities who need adapted curriculum. It will be a supportive tool for their catechists, families, and others who serve them.” (In full disclosure, NCPD and two members of its task force reviewed and made recommendations for the development of this product pre-publication and received stipends for their work.)

—The National Catholic Partnership on Disability

“Loyola Press has once again provided catechists and parents with valuable tools that honor the spirituality of individuals with special needs. This kit makes the abstract concepts of contrition and forgiveness clear and concrete through the physical act of exchanging a concrete object, such as a picture card or puzzle piece.”

—Theresa Adams, OTR/L, Pediatric Occupational Therapist and Volunteer Catechist

Purchase the kit now.