

Adaptive Reconciliation Kit/Kit adaptativo para la Reconciliación

For Diverse Learners and Individuals with Autism

The Adaptive Reconciliation Kit was designed to help diverse learners enter fully into their faith experience, prepare for the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation, and experience God’s healing through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This kit helps individuals meet the USCCB requirement of having a sense of contrition to fully experience and celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

The Adaptive Reconciliation Kit in English received the 2013 Association of Catholic Publishers Book of the Year Award.


  • The Reconciliation Flip Book introduces the steps of the process of celebrating the sacrament.

  • I’m Sorry Cards help individuals understand and actively communicate contrition.

  • The I Am Forgiven Sequence Puzzle helps individuals recognize the impact of their actions on others, learn the “sequence” of forgiveness, and experience the joy and peace that comes from being forgiven and forgiving others.

  • Jesus Forgives Instructional Story Card stresses that God loves us, forgives us, and restores us.

  • Jesus Wants Us to Make Good Choices Matching Puzzle is a choose-the-match activity that associates Jesus with good, moral choices by matching Jesus with the Good Choice symbol option.

  • The Good Choice/Bad Choice Cards help individuals recognize good and bad choices in categories such as self, others, and God’s creation.

  • Examination of Conscience Instructional Card invites individuals to prayerfully look into their hearts to evaluate how they may have hurt God or other people with their thoughts, words, or actions.

  • I Celebrate Reconciliation Picture Book invites and reminds individuals to celebrate the sacrament with confidence, comfort, and joy.

  • An adapted version of the Act of Contrition, the Act of Contrition Instructional Card allows diverse learners to acknowledge sins, ask God for forgiveness, and express desire to repent.

  • The Helper Guide explains how to use each component in the kit to meet the USCCB requirement of having a sense of contrition to fully experience and celebrate the sacrament.

  • The Backpack allows individuals to transport all the components to and from church, home, or faith formation classes.

Jesus said: “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
—Matthew 19:14

Purchase the kit now.