For Diverse Learners and Individuals with Autism
The Adaptive Confirmation Preparation Kit was designed to help diverse learners and individuals with autism enter fully into the faith experience, prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation, and live their lives as participating members of the Catholic Church. This teaching tool helps individuals meet the USCCB Guidelines: “All baptized, unconfirmed Catholics may receive the Sacrament of Confirmation if they are suitably instructed, properly disposed and able to renew their baptismal promises.”
I Receive Confirmation Story introduces the Sacrament of Confirmation.
The Baptismal Promises Puzzle emphasizes the renewal of baptismal promises and the beliefs of the Catholic faith.
The I Do Card helps individuals who have limited or no spoken language to actively communicate or reinforce their responses to the renewal of their baptismal promises.
I Am a Disciple Flip Book reinforces basic Catholic beliefs and practices, and explains how Catholics can live as disciples.
My Confirmation Songs CD help individuals better understand the meaning and effects of the Sacrament of Confirmation, the role of sponsors, and individuals’ roles as active members of the Church. Listen to a sample.
The Request for Confirmation Template offers two options to help individuals to request the sacrament.
The Toss and Tell Ball can be used to foster communication between the individual preparing for Confirmation and his or her sponsor, catechist, helper, or parent.
The Helper Guide explains how to use each component in the kit to help individuals prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
A Backpack allows individuals to transport all the components to and from church, home, or faith formation classes.
Lyrics for Confirmation Songs
Below are links to the lyrics for the songs on the My Confirmation Songs CD, for use with the Adaptive Confirmation Preparation Kit.
The Disciple’s Song: English | Spanish
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: English | Spanish
Saints Point the Way: English | Spanish