My Peace Prayer

Activity Objective

To encourage the children to tell Jesus they are sorry when they have sinned and to ask for his help and guidance in their lives

Lesson Outcome

The children will reflect thankfully on Jesus' call to peace and forgiveness and on their response to his call.


  • Templates of dove (for the children to trace and cut out)
  • White construction paper (for the doves)
  • Squares of colored construction paper (about 5" x 5")
  • Scissors
  • Yarn
  • Crayons
  • Pencils
  • Hole punch


  • Tell the children that making a peace-prayer mobile will help them talk to Jesus in their personal prayer.
  • Give each child a dove template, a sheet of white paper, five small squares, crayons, and a pencil.
  • Show the children a dove that you have cut out using the template. Ask why they think this might be a good start for the mobile. (It is a symbol of peace.)
  • Direct the children to create a dove by tracing the template onto the white paper and then cutting out the pattern. Tell them that they will write one letter of the word PEACE on each of the small squares. Around the letter, write a prayer part starting with that letter.
  • Demonstrate for them by writing a large, fancy P on one of the paper squares. Around the letter, write a prayer such as Please give me peace, Jesus.
  • Punch a hole in the bottom of the dove and in the center of the top and bottom of your sample square. Demonstrate using a piece of yarn to join the dove to the letter square. Explain that the E square will be tied below the P square and so on.
  • When they are finished, compliment them on their thoughtful prayers.
  • Suggest that they take their mobiles home and put them where they will be a reminder to ask for Jesus' peace and forgiveness.

Learning Styles

Art/Space Smart, Self Smart

Approximate Time

30 minutes


Cut short pieces of yarn for the mobiles in advance.
Put together a sample of the project in advance so the children can see the finsihed product.

Some children may need help thinking of prayer ideas. (Examples: Each time I sin, I will ask for your help; Always be with me; Care for me now and always; Every day, help me to follow you.)