Remaining with Jesus as a Disciple
Fr. Brice Higginbotham writes, “Discipleship only happens in relationship, first with Jesus, then almost always with fellow Christians here on earth.” Explore your call to discipleship with fellow Christians by reading Higginbotham’s Remaining with Jesus: Discipleship in the Gospel of John with a small group. The videos below can enhance your group’s experience by serving as jumping-off points to regular meetings or invitations to gather for discussion.
Fr. Brice Higginbotham explains that a disciple is somebody who believes in Jesus and remains with Jesus.
Fr. Brice Higginbotham, the author of Remaining with Jesus, explains that discussing his book with others is the ideal way to ponder the Gospel of John.
Remaining with Jesus means that having encountered Jesus and having been transformed by him, we continue to walk with him in his ways.
What does somebody who remains with Jesus do? What external signs are there of that discipleship?
When the disciples ask Jesus, “Where do you remain?” what are they asking?
The disciples began to believe in Jesus after seeing the sign, or miracle, at the wedding in Cana.
What could happen if we—like the Samaritan woman at the well—shared our stories of encountering Jesus?
What does the Eucharist have to do with discipleship?
Download a Remaining with Jesus prayer card.
Part of remaining with and in Jesus is perseverance, as the story of the healing of the man born blind shows.
Others will know we are disciples if we love one another.
The Beloved Disciple is a model for us as disciples, as we learn through the Gospel of John.