I was talking to a good priest friend the other day, and he mentioned how he was trying to slowly get into the rhythm of praying a daily rosary. He told me he had always struggled with this Marian prayer. This revelation really surprised me, because I would have guessed that the rosary would have come easily to him, given his deep spiritual life.
My friend’s honesty gave me some consolation, since I too have struggled for years to consistently pray the rosary. I can’t say that there’s any real reason for my lack of zeal, but I guess it might be the repetition that becomes a distraction for me.
Over the last several months, I’ve slowly started to pray the rosary again, and it’s been good. A men’s prayer group we started after Easter always begins with a rosary. Praying with a group has helped keep the distractions to a minimum, and in fact, I find myself getting swept up in the mysteries. We use a little scriptural meditation card to start each decade, and I’ve realized once again how meaningful the events in the life of Christ and his mother that we remember in the mysteries of the rosary should be for us.
Another help for me has been to listen to the rosary on CD. Much better for my soul than talk radio, praying the rosary while I’m driving has also had an impact on the way I handle the stress of traffic, aggressive drivers, and the expectations of a stressful day at work.
If you’re blessed to have an ongoing love of the rosary, I commend you for being faithful to this wonderful prayer. If you’re like me and have struggled with this Marian devotion, don’t give up. Instead, find new ways to incorporate it into your prayer life. I believe that the gentle peace that will come into your life through praying the rosary will make a difference in your life. I know it has in mine.
People who regularly pray the Rosary will attest to the fact that the practice brings about a state of calm.
Our Lady asked the children of Fatima to pray the Rosary every day for peace in the world. Learn more about the Rosary with these activity suggestions for the classroom or family.
Activity Center: Making a Rosary
Creative Ways to Pray the Rosary
Deepen your understanding of the Rosary by reading The Rosary: A Path into Prayer by Elizabeth M. Kelly and The Complete Rosary: A Guide to Praying the Mysteries by William G. Storey.