Prayer Service

Intergenerational Event—Mary: The Yes That Changed the World


Conclude your event with a prayer service that incorporates song and some beloved Marian prayers. If you prefer, you may hold this service after the presentation, but before the activity centers.

Download Leader/Reader Script
To print: 3 copies
Document: 3 pages

Download Prayer Service Family Handout
To print: 1 per participant
Document: 1 page.

You will need the following:

  • Two volunteer readers (give each one a copy of the Leader/Reader Script)
  • Volunteers to distribute the Prayer Service Handouts

It would also be good to have a pianist or other musician play “Immaculate Mary” and any other music you would like to include in the service.

You can create a prayerful environment using images of Mary from different nations, a crucifix, and a Bible. This prayer service is an excellent opportunity to draw on the talents of your parishioners. For example, if you have a liturgical dance group, consider having them dance to the song “Immaculate Mary.” If you do not have a dance troupe, ask for volunteers from among the older children a week before the event and use simple movements. You might wish to have your choir sing a favorite Marian hymn or an artistic member of the parish create banners or flags to decorate the prayer service space. Let your imagination (and resources) be your guide!