Bearers of Hope

by Julianne Stanz

During this challenging time, missionary creativity and zeal are needed more than ever! How do we raise up the next generation of saints from this place in history? How do we lead with hope and the person of Jesus at the center of our ministries?

We have a reason to hope, as St. John Paul II reminds us. “Humanity is able to hope. Indeed it must hope: the living and personal Gospel, Jesus Christ himself, is the ‘good news’ and the bearer of joy that the Church announces each day, and to whom the Church bears testimony before all people” (Christifideles Laici, 7). Living in hope means that we can give a name to our hope: Jesus Christ, who offers us comfort and strength.

Watch my presentation, “Bearers of Hope.” In it, I explore the importance of the theme of hope and suggest three principles of renewal as the hinge-points of missionary creativity for our parishes at this time.

Watch “Bearers of Hope” now.

Julianne Stanz

Julianne Stanz

Julianne Stanz is a nationally known speaker, retreat leader, storyteller, and the Director of New Evangelization for the Diocese of Green Bay and a consultant to the USCCB Committee on Catechesis and Evangelization.

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