Catechetical Activities for Lent


Lent provides opportunities for special catechetical activities in the parish. Whether you are able to gather parishioners together for an intergenerational event or observe the season in small groups, Loyola Press has activities for you.

Getting to the Heart of Lent—An Intergenerational Event

This intergenerational event will help parishioners grow in their understanding of the three disciplines of Lent–prayer, almsgiving, and fasting–as it fosters community across generations in your parish.

Passion and Resurrection Intergenerational Parish Event

Help families grow in their understanding of Jesus’ Passion and Resurrection, make a connection between parish and home, and build community through this parish-wide event.

Activity Finder

Search our Activity Finder for Lenten activities to use in your classroom.

Hosting Parish Small Faith Groups

Foster and encourage small groups in your parish by reflecting on the Lenten Scriptures. Joe Paprocki shares discussion materials for each cycle of Lent.

Lenten Actions Cards

Encourage families to take practical steps toward practicing the traditional Lenten pillars of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.