Joe Paprocki, D.Min., is National Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola Press, where, in addition to his traveling/speaking responsibilities, he works on the development team for faith formation curriculum resources including Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts. Joe has more than 40 years of experience in ministry and has presented keynotes, presentations, and workshops in more than 150 dioceses in North America. Joe is a frequent presenter at national conferences including the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, the Mid-Atlantic Congress, and the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership. He is the author of over 20 books, including the best sellers The Catechist’s Toolbox and A Well-Built Faith, as well as A Church on the Move, Under the Influence of Jesus, Living the Sacraments, and Called to Be Catholic—a bilingual, foundational supplemental program that helps young people know their faith and grow in their relationship with God. Joe also served as the series editor for the Effective Catechetical Leader and blogs about his catechetical experiences in faith formation at
Joe Paprocki, Doctor en Ministerio, es consultor nacional para la formación en la fe en Loyola Press, donde, además de sus responsabilidades de viajar y dictar conferencias, trabaja en el equipo de desarrollo de recursos del plan de estudios de formación en la fe, incluyendo Encontrando a Dios: Nuestra respuesta a los dones de Dios. Joe tiene más de 40 años de experiencia en el ministerio y ha ofrecido ponencias, presentaciones y talleres en más de 150 diócesis en América del Norte. Joe es un presentador frecuente en conferencias nacionales, incluido el Congreso de Educación Religiosa de Los Ángeles, el Congreso del Atlántico Medio (Mid-Atlantic Congress) y la Conferencia Nacional para el Liderazgo Catequético. Es autor de más de 20 libros, incluyendo los más vendidos La caja de herramientas del catequista y Una fe bien construida, así como A Church on the Move, La experiencia transformadora de encontrarse con Cristo: Bajo la influencia de Jesús, Vivir los sacramentos y Llamados a ser católicos —un programa bilingüe suplementario y fundamental que ayuda a los jóvenes a conocer su fe y a crecer en su relación con Dios. Joe también fue editor de la serie El líder catequético eficaz y escribe un blog sobre sus experiencias catequísticas en la formación de la fe en
Explore Lenten traditions with Joe Paprocki.
Discernment is a decision-making process that honors the place of God's will in our lives. Learn more about discernment at Loyola Press.
Joe Paprocki explains that discipleship invites us to experience intimacy with God.
One of the reasons that many of us feel unqualified to evangelize is that we don’t feel that we have a story to tell, but we do.
Finding children's activities to fit your lesson plan can be challenging. Make sure they fit with these practical tips and step-by-step instructions.
Lead a reflection on our baptismal promises with the young people in your group.
How can I be kerygmatic, effectively proclaiming the Gospel in a way that consistently highlights and reinforces the core message of the Gospel?
Joe Paprocki shares ideas for how we can talk about faith in an authentic manner.
As a community of faith, we find great joy in sharing our spiritual blessings. This includes introducing children to the gift of prayer.
Catholic catechist Joe Paprocki provides simple answers to frequently asked questions about Lent. Visit Loyola Press to get your Lenten questions anwered.
What does it mean to "Go in Peace"? Find out what the Catholic Church has to say about this incredible challenge.
A mother's eyes can bring new perspective to the world around us. Find how to appreciate God's presence in the smallest details of life.
Through reflective prayer you can begin to more readily recognize God's presence in your daily life. Learn about reflective prayer at Loyola Press.
What do we mean by social justice? Get an introduction to social justice at Loyola Press.
Catholic Social Teaching reminds us that if we want to live as followers of Jesus, we need to live as people for others. Find out more at Loyola Press.
Joe Paprocki, a catechist and author, describes creative ways to use crafts in the classroom.
Joe Paprocki outlines the synodal process in the Catholic Church.
Uno de los objetivos de los catequistas es crear un ambiente de oración dentro de la formación de la fe. De hecho, el Directorio General para la Catequesis nos dice que la verdadera expresión de la catequesis se lleva a cabo en un “clima de oración” (DGC 85).
Joe Paprocki suggests a kind of vision therapy is needed to recognize Jesus' mighty deeds.
What are the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius? Get an introduction to the Spiritual Exercises at Loyola Press.
Catechetical expert, Joe Paprocki, shares a lesson in love for the RCIA process. Find more Catholic RCIA resources at Loyola Press.
Ignatian spirituality is one of the most popular options in Catholic spirituality. Find out what Ignatian spirituality is in an article from Loyola Press.
New Year's resolutions are much maligned nowadays. Some people feel that they're a waste of time.