James Martin, SJ, is associate editor of America magazine and a prolific author, writer, and editor.
Why are more and more people interested in the saints? Find out why at LoyolaPress.com.
James Martin advises us not to forget the Advent saints. Explore the saints in December with articles and activities from Loyola Press.
Get to know Advent as a time of waiting and cut back on the craziness of Christmas preparations. Fr. James Martin shares tips on how to get started enjoying Advent.
Watch videos of Fr. James Martin describing how Catholic saints can encourage humor and foster laughter.
What are the top 10 movies about saints? Fr. James Martin, S.J., author of My Life with the Saints, chooses his favorite saints on the big screen.
Thomas Merton was a man of contradictions. Read why Fr. James Martin is drawn to Thomas Merton because of the contradictions.
Hay más de diez mil santos y beatos reconocidos en la Iglesia Católica. Cada uno de ellos es un buen motivo para ser católico, son la muestra de que cuando un alma deja que Dios actúe puede llegar a los más altos grados de felicidad.
Saint Peter’s humanity showed he was weak enough to love God. Read Fr. James Martin’s reflection on how Peter became one of the greatest saints.
What's the connection between Halloween and All Saints Day? James Martin, SJ, best-selling author of My Life with the Saints, provides an educational and entertaining answer. Learn more at Loyola Press.