Barbara Lee

Barbara Lee

Barbara Lee is a spiritual director with a ministry to the aging who lives in New York City. She is a retired attorney, a former U.S. magistrate judge, and a long-serving member of the Ignatian Volunteer Corps, an organization of retired people inspired by Ignatian spirituality who perform volunteer work among the poor. She is the author of God Isn’t Finished With Me Yet: Discovering the Spiritual Graces of Later Life.

Articles by Barbara Lee

  • O Come, Emmanuel

    The familiar Advent hymn, “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” connects us to our precursors in the faith, going far back in time.

  • The Word in Advent, Cycle A

    Spiritual director and author Barbara Lee suggests praying with the readings for the Sundays of Advent, Cycle A, to engage with the Word in Advent.

Books by Barbara Lee

See all books by Barbara Lee